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Thomas' Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Single Variable helps students reach the level of mathematical proficiency and maturity you require, but with support for students who need it through its balance of clear and intuitive explanations, current applications, and generalized concepts. Pair your accounts. Export articles to Mendeley. Get article recommendations from ACS based on references in your Mendeley library. The Math Forum's Internet Math Library is a comprehensive catalog of Web sites and Web pages relating to the study of mathematics. This page contains sites relating to Lesson Plans and Activities. @JoseDzirehChong the given page doesn't list a solution for normal py scripts rather gives a way for IPython scripts. @Nathan, we can't issue%reset command directly. So, what steps are required to make it usable for python scripts? – sync11 Aug 24 '17 at 7:52. And Windows and Mac computers. Apple iBooks: This is a really cool e-reader app that's only available for Apple Variables And Equation Answers Algebra How to Use the Calculator. Type your algebra problem into the text box. For example, enter 3x+2=14 into the text box to get a step-by-Page 4/25.

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All Sites - 1376 items found, showing 901 to 950

  1. NOVA Teachers: Featured Teacher - PBS
    Teachers' featured stories of a lesson plan using one of the NOVA films. Lesson titles include: Students Inclined to Study Galileo, Exploring Research Bias, Placing Value on Maya Math, Teaching with Trebuchets, Bridges Form Foundation for Geometry Unit, ...more>>
  2. The Nuffield Foundation
    Math teaching and learning resources include freely downloadable Free-standing Mathematics Activities (FSMAs) and Applying Mathematical Processes (AMP) activities, a mix of investigations and practical explorations. The Nuffield Foundation works to improve ...more>>
  3. Numb3rs Math Activities - Cornell Department of Mathematics
    Notes and activities on the mathematics behind each CBS television broadcast of the FBI crime series NUMB3RS, from the pilot episode through season five: Uncertainty Principle, Sniper Zero, Dirty Bomb, Assassin, Toxin, Backscatter, Two Daughters, Burn ...more>>
  4. Number Addition Race (SMILE) - Janice Schaults, Randolph Magnet School
    A lesson for elementary students designed to teach addition: students solve addition word problems relevant to their experience and participate in an addition game that uses a phenomenological approach. From the Arithmetic section of a collection of almost ...more>>
  5. Number Aquarium - France & Associates
    A way to help children learn the basics of writing and counting their numbers. Number Aquarium integrates sound and animation to teach number formation and recognition to early education students; animals of the sea show how to draw the numbers. Requires ...more>>
  6. Numberline Lane - Fiona Cartmell, Nick Reynolds, and Anthony Cartmell
    A website accompanying books designed to help teaching and learning math through stories and cartoon illustrations. Meet the residents of Numberline Lane: Walter One, Suzie Two, Hebe Three, Nora Four, Clive Five, Nick Six, Kevin Seven, Katy Eight, Nigel ...more>>
  7. Number Loving - Laura Rees-Hughes and Sharon Derbyshire
    Freely downloadable PDFs, Microsoft Word documents, and PowerPoint presentations, organized by UK key stages, strands, and topics. The Number Loving blog offers new approaches for teaching maths and tips for classroom makeovers. Posts, which date back ...more>>
  8. Number Patterns - Harvey Heinz
    A brief description of why mathematics is often called the science of pattern followed by examples of a variety of magic squares of various types; examples of orders 5 to 12d magic stars, and selections from Heinz's collection of over 400 number patterns ...more>>
  9. Number Patterns in Pascal's Triangle (SMILE) - Ulysses Harrison, Dunbar Vocational High School
    A lesson for grades 5 and up designed to enable students to recognize the integers, rows, and columns that comprise Pascal's Triangle. The main objective of the lesson is to enable students to reproduce the first eleven rows of Pascal's Triangle by recalling ...more>>
  10. Numbers - Kirsten Silverman
    Blog by a Massachusetts middle school math teacher who 'loves number theory and thinks sixth grade is the perfect place to share this.' Posts, which date back to August, 2012, have included 'Flipping'; 'Cogs'; 'LCM, GCF, and Fractions'; 'Ordering Fractions'; ...more>>
  11. Numbers Made Meaningful™ - Naomi Halpern, TSI Productions
    A collection of number literacy stories and games that gives pre-K children meaningful, tangible contexts to help them make sense of the abstract world of number symbols. Zero & Friends teaches children the names, personalities, values and relationships ...more>>
  12. Number Time - BBC Learning
    Learn about numbers and the number system by playing Shockwave games, printing out activities to do away from the computer, watching 'Addem' star in fun cartoons that reinforce ideas of quantity; and listening to math songs, accompanied by animation. ...more>>
  13. Number Up (SMILE) - Ernestine Bickham, Maria Saucedo Magnet School
    A lesson for grades 7-8 that uses a deck of cards to help students practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, and order of operations. From the Recreational and Creative Math section of a collection of almost 200 single ...more>>
  14. Numeracy Hour Activities - Ambleside Primary School on the Web
    Games designed by or with children, and interactive teaching programs to download. Games and activities include Amblegraph (create simple bar charts online); Online Calculator; Analogue Clock (a time teaching tool); Table Trees (multiplication tables); ...more>>
  15. Numeracy in the News - The Mercury/University of Tasmania
    Newspaper articles collected from the Tasmanian (Australia) metropolitan daily newspaper, The Mercury, to represent the five areas of the Chance and Data curriculum (Data Collection and Sampling, Data Representation, Chance and Basic Probability, Data ...more>>
  16. Numerical Analysis & Numerical Methods Project - John Mathews
    Extensive modules & tutorials: solution of linear and nonlinear equations, interpolation and polynomial approximation, curve fitting, numerical differentiation and integration, numerical optimization, solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, ...more>>
  17. Numerical Integration: Accumulating Rates of Change - Geometry Center
    The fundamental theorem of calculus tells us that if we know the rate of change of some quantity, then adding up (or integrating) the rate of change over some interval will give the total change in that quantity over the same interval. But often scientists ...more>>
  18. Odometers and the Place Value Chart (SMILE) - Donna Bronson-Cochran, George B. Swift School
    A lesson designed to teach students to add decimals with the use of the odometer; place given numbers on the place value chart; and add numbers to the millionths on the calculator. From the Arithmetic section of a collection of almost 200 single concept ...more>>
  19. OER Commons - Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education
    An open learning network for teachers and professors to access their colleagues' course materials, share their own, and collaborate. The Open Educational Resources site features tags, ratings, comments, reviews, and social networking functions, as well ...more>>
  20. Office for National Statistics - Government Statistical Service, United Kingdom
    The United Kingdom agency that coordinates national statistics. Tables of key social, economic, and environmental data, press releases, catalogue of publications, articles, and a newsletter. Information about the British census, including articles in ...more>>
  21. Off The Hypotenuse - Glenn Kenyon
    Kenyon started this blog in pursuit of 'a good discussion of resources, ideas, and innovative ideas for teachers of Algebra.' Humorous videos, comic strips, and posts, which date back to March of 2007, have included 'Math Lessons learned from Karate,' ...more>>
  22. One Wolf Howls - Scotti Cohn, illustrated by Susan Detwiler
    This children’s book uses the months of the year and the numbers 1 through 12 to introduce children to the behavior of wolves in natural settings. The site also offers free educational resources, including teaching activities, math quizzes, related websites, ...more>>
  23. Online Innovation Institute (OII) - Ferdi Serim
    The OII provides educators with a learning environment to support integrating the Internet into their individual teaching styles, offering a combination of online and onsite collaborations in which participants develop projects to use in their classrooms. ...more>>
  24. online intervention.com - Pearson Education
    onlineintervention.com assesses students' performance in specific skills and prescribes customized intervention activities, automatically generating summary reports for both teachers and students. Register to take online quizzes, play games, and use learning ...more>>
  25. Online Math Applications - Leung, Jiang, Jiang, Chiu, Klopfer, Chiu; ThinkQuest Junior
    Activities, examples, problems, and online quizzes about math applied to real world situations in investing (a stock market simulation game), music (classical MIDI files), history (biographies and anecdotes), science (astronomy, computers, 'math in the ...more>>
  26. Online Math Courses - Internet Academy (IA)
    Distance learning for high school students, who pay a fee and can obtain credit. Uses Academic Systems software (PC only, no Macs). See the Algebra I-II Index of Lessons. Includes a Glossary. ...more>>
  27. Online Math Games - Ramona Pasca
    Free Flash 6 math games and worksheets. ...more>>
  28. On Thin Spaghetti and Nocturnal Animals - Don Cohen (The Mathman)
    Function and Graphs for Children. Guess My Rule; Graphing; The Shuttle Puzzle; The Tower Puzzle; The Nautilus Shell. Sample problems with some answers from Chapter 6 of Don Cohen's worksheet book. ...more>>
  29. Oranges Project Page - Debbie Lewis; The Levering School, Philadelphia, PA
    An eighth grade project. Students use measurement to investigate the proportional relationship between the edible part of an orange and the peel or inedible part of a orange. They investigate different types of oranges such as navel, blood, and clementines ...more>>
  30. Orbifold Pinball - Yevgeniy Dodis; The Geometry Center
    A game in which you roll a ball on an unusual playing field. The game board is like ordinary pinball in that it features 'bumpers' off which the ball can bounce. But in this game, the board is 'curved' in such a way that a ball barely missing the bumper ...more>>
  31. Order Of Operations (SMILE) - Bernice E. Holloway, Bellwood School District 88
    A lesson designed to teach students to use grouping symbols and the standard order of operations to simplify numerical expressions; to use the order of operations to evaluate variable expressions; and to use the calculator and computer to solve numerical ...more>>
  32. Original Lesson Plans - Mathematics - Thirteen/WNET New York
    Original Web-based activities developed by Thirteen Ed Online Master Teachers. Each lesson consists of an overview with learning objectives, procedures for teachers, and 'organizers' for students -- hand-outs, bibliographies, and other materials. Math ...more>>
  33. Our Backpack Data: Making Conclusions from Graphs - William Thill
    Students match different statistical questions from backpack data to an appropriate visual display. They choose graphs to answer the questions and make well-justified conclusions about each question. As an extension, students may create a new question, ...more>>
  34. Our Town (The Weather Unit: Math Application) - Collaborative Lesson Archive
    A lesson that uses and/or introduces new tools in geography, math, and science to make observations and draw conclusions on the local temperature variations in your area. Colorado State Standard addressd: Students use algebraic methods to explore, model, ...more>>
  35. Oware! 'The National Game of Africa' - Sapient Software
    Oware is an winning numbers game, learned in a few minutes, that may take years to master. Downloadable freeware version, for Windows. Oware is more commonly called Wari in much of West Africa and where it is played in the New World. It is one of a large ...more>>
  36. The Pai Intersect - Jimmy Pai
    Blog by an Ottawa (Canada) secondary mathematics teacher and graduate student in education. Posts, which date back to August, 2012, have included 'Understanding Fraction Division #2 - Part 1,' '$100 Tablet Project,' 'Spiraling through the curriculum,' ...more>>
  37. Paper Cup Mathematics - Jerry Neidenbach, Sue Harvey, and Marilyn McArthur; Park City Mathematics Institute
    In this classroom activity, a PCMI Resource for Teachers, students investigate whether paper cups roll out the pattern of an annulus and how you can tell, how the dimensions of the cup relate to the dimensions of the annulus, and whether you can predict ...more>>
  38. Paper-Folding-Fractals - Joel Castellanos, Rice University
    A classroom teaching or personal learning software tool for Windows that can be an introductory lesson to fractals. Simple, step-by-step processes of paper folding can give rise to infinite verities of fractals. The user learns what fractals are and how ...more>>
  39. Paper Folding to Make Cubes (SMILE) - Koshy Kanicherilnalil, Chicago Public Schools
    A lesson designed to develop students' ability to visualize three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional patterns by examining patterns of figures composed of six squares; predicting which of the twenty presented could be folded to make a cube; and ...more>>
  40. Paper Pool (SMILE) - Barbara Williams, Cook Elementary School
    A lesson designed to teach students to recognize rectangles whose sides have the same ratio; use the concept of common factor to find rectangles with the smallest area having a given ratio of sides; practice organizing data and looking for patterns; ...more>>
  41. Paper Toss Shootout (SMILE) - Edwina R. Justice, Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy
    A lesson for grade 8 designed to teach students to use class data to calculate percentages; participate in a group activity; relate this activity to NBA (National Basketball Association) stats; and calculate select percentages for NBA Finals data. From ...more>>
  42. Parabolic Path to a Best Best-Fit Line - Jeff Reinhardt and Joe Simons
    To find the best best-fit line for a set of data, students will determine the line that minimizes the sum of the squared deviations from the observed data to that line. This activity uses dynamic statistical software (Fathom™ 2) to engage students in ...more>>
  43. Parallel lines and Angles (SMILE) - Earl M. Singleton, III, Daniel Hale Williams School
    A lesson designed to teach students to identify the names and measurement of angles formed when parallel lines are intersected by a transversal. From the Geometry and Measurement section of a collection of almost 200 single concept lessons by the Science ...more>>
  44. Paso Partners: Integrating Mathematics, Science, and Language - Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL)
    A two-volume curriculum and resources guide for K-3 educators, designed to help teachers increase achievement of Hispanic children whose first language is not English. Preceding each complete unit in English is a Spanish version of background information ...more>>
  45. Passy's World of Mathematics
    Lesson outlines by this Australian-born math teacher include Venn diagram word problems, combining like terms, translate word equations, and isometric drawing and 3d cubes; PowerPoint presentations include traversable networks, sharing using ratios, real ...more>>
  46. PAT Online: Reports from the Practical Algebra Tutor Project - PACT Center, Carnegie Mellon University
    An intelligent tutoring system, a sort of modified spreadsheet system, based on a theory of cognition developed by John Anderson and the NCTM standards. Try it out online, or: read articles about education, technology, and computer science; explore background ...more>>
  47. Pat's Math & Problem Solving Links - Pat McQuatty
    Site recommendations from the math consultant for the Western Quebec School Board. See, in particular, Special Days (Hundredth Day of school, Math with the number 2000 - twenty suggested math activities for the year 2000). Also math-related links for ...more>>
  48. Pattern Based Reason - Alan Selby
    This book surveys rule and pattern based thought in daily life, society, science and technology. The first chapters show how reliable implication rules can be employed one at a time or one after another to arrive at conclusions. The middle chapters describe ...more>>
  49. Pattern - Drew, Wallace; Mathematics Across the Curriculum, Dartmouth College
    An interdisciplinary course in textile design and elementary group theory. Syllabus, course pages (notes, figures, questions, group work and homework), final project and class artworks from a 1996 math and art cross-curricular class at Dartmouth College. ...more>>
  50. Pattern Exploration: Integrating Math and Science for the Middle School - Martin Logan et al.
    Download PDFs of lesson plans from units such as The Pascal-Sierpinski Connection, Branching Patterns in Trees, Lessons in Paper Folding, Fractal Wallhanging, Patterns in Nature, Scaling and Dimension, and more. With accompanying Java applets and Cabri ...more>>

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