If you’re worried about getting more shares for your content on social media, it’s important to understand what makes people share content. Typically, it’s going to be 1 of 2 reasons. Either they were compelled by your brand or they were compelled by the content itself. Great search ranking = more traffic = more social shares. So as you can see, great content with good SEO is the first step to get more social shares. People love pictures and other pretty graphics. Too much text all at once can be overwhelming and readers will quickly lose interest.
How to Get More Likes, Shares, Subscribers and Followers On Social Media Platforms Like Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter etc. Using WordPress Social Locker Pro Plugin by MyThemeShop. Content Locker Pro
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- Getting more social shares is a near-universal goal among marketers. Sticking to the tips above can definitely help. Meanwhile, brands should be willing to experiment with different types of content and analyze what’s working (and what’s not).
- Infographics are shared 3 times more on social media than any other type of content. Tweets with images will receive 150% more retweets than those without images. It is clear that to gain more social shares, it is vital to include an image. After all, it makes your post more attractive, and makes it stand out from the crowded News Feed or Timeline.
- According to Jonah Berger, author of Contagious: Why Things Catch On, social currency is one of the reasons that people share content. It’s all about people talking about things to make themselves look good, rather than bad. Give your followers the kind of content that makes them look good and they are more likely to share it.
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Despite the existence of numerous articles one can read on how to grow fans and followers on social media, I continue to be asked how to get more followers for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and others. Instead of regurgitating everything that has been said before, I found enough proof, shared below, that points to a clear consistent strategy. No opinions, no pontificating or wishful thinking.
Since we all can’t be as popular as Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga with millions of followers, we can put into use a few best practices to grow a quality fan base. There is no easy button despite some of the crazy offers you may receive to get 1K followers overnight. You can always buy or bribe people to follow you. However, if your goal is to generate ROI through quality fans that read, buy and subscribe, that takes time. The apple seed you plant today will eventually bear fruit.
I assume we can skip the why and go straight into the how. But if you need the why, according to KissMetrics, 60% of fans and followers who follow a brand will eventually buy from that brand. According to MBA Online, 8 in 10 social media users in the United States would rather connect with companies via social media than their own corporate websites. There is enough data that explains the why we should build a social audience.
Are you racking brain over how to get more followers? After reviewing numerous surveys, case studies and research reports, I uncovered the three best practices where the data consistently repeated itself as the most effective ways to grow a quality fan base. Furthermore, the data doesn’t discriminate. Whether you are a non-profit, blogger, publisher, retailer, small business or big enterprise, growing a quality presence on social media boils down to three areas of focus.
How to Get More Followers – 3 Simple Steps [backed by research]
Your worries are over. We are revealing the secret formula that answers how to get more followers for social media. Answer. There is no secret formula. Generating quality fans, followers and subscribers takes work. The data points to three best practices to employ to grow a quality fan base. There is no magic formula except hard work.
1. Create Compelling Content:
Believe me, I know, creating content is easier said than done. It takes time and effort. One of the top reasons fans stop following is because someone they follow stops creating regular updates. Remember you are creating a value exchange. Fans will not follow you on social media if your last update was 12 months ago. Would you? Quality content attracts and retains a fan base. It’s that simple.
Content keeps giving. By providing content to your fans, they will help you extend its reach by sharing it with their followers. If the content is good, people will share it frequently and your fan base can grow rapidly. According to an Ipsos survey, your fans and followers will share compelling content, products and websites with their fans if given the opportunity.
Social Sharingget More Social Shares Followers Will
Examples of most shared content:
Something they like or recommend, such as products, services, movies, and books
News items
Links websites
Reposts from other people’s social media posts
Video clips
Next Steps & Resources:
– Best practices for sharing content on a scheduling
– Scaling social when you don’t have enough content
– 5 Selfish but Good Reasons Why People Share Content Online
2. Have a Conversation:
According to Google research, 55% of social media brand engagers use social to keep in touch with brands. Nearly 30% share content with brands. If a consumer is satisfied with the exchange with a brand, they are 40% more likely to purchase significantly more of the brand’s products and services.
Fans & followers want to engage with your brand. Reach out. Strike up a conversation. Remember this – happy fans retweet and share.
How to find people to follow:
- Search Twitter for a hashtag related to your business category
- Get alerts anytime your competition is mentioned across social. Read more on how to track your competitors on social.
- Find people to follow using services like Wefollow or Twellow
3. Answer Customer’s Questions – Immediately:
Research by Lithium suggests, 72% of customers sited immediacy of response is critical when they have a question. A slight majority of responders say immediacy is less than an hour. Not surprisingly, immediacy pays off. According to research by LiverPerson, more than 80% of consumers claimed to be more likely to trust and buy again from a brand after a positive online experience.
The Lithium study also suggested similar results:
One-third report being likely to buy more from the company;
43% are likely to encourage friends and family to buy the company’s products;
4 in 10 are more receptive to the brands’ ads; and
4 in 10 are willing to praise or recommend the brand through social media.
Looking for the easy button to grow your fan base? Data shows that content and conversation are the best ways to grow a quality fan base. I warned you. No magic formula. Slow and steady wins the race.
Besides asking how to get more followers, what’s on your mind? Let us know.
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