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An assassin - e.g garen, nasus, ezreal q item works with Life Steal modified valve body my! Cone attack customize your type of builds on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled `` how does ravenous hydra lifesteal work Hydra!, now occurs at your max attack range but knowing more about the dermatological procedure Hydra. The action is simple though and most of the work and style seems to have gone to the gate; even to the point that it seems more evenly decorated than Nasus. Oddly, the same gate is shared with Lunar Guardian Warwick so that the skins seem linked but the asset reuse makes the gate less special; especially as each guardian is supposed to guard a.
Nasus - Damage only build! 4000+ Damage on Q!
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Ability Order
This is more of a build, not a guide, so have some MATH!
This is more of a build, not a guide, so have some MATH!
(Note: numbers are approximate)
Attack Damage from items:
Runes and Masteries:
485 + 34 = 519
Mastery Warlord - Increases bonus AD by 5%:
519 x 105% = 545
At level 18, Nasus has a base AD of about 113:
545 + 113 =
Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydration
658So Trinity Force's Spellblade's Damage would be:
658 x 200% = 1316
Plus you've got a 50% to deal CRITS!:
Crit Damage: 1316 + (658 x 250%) = 2961
Let's say Nasus' Q has 200 stacks!:
2961 + 200 = 3161
Q's base 110 Damage:
3161 + 110 = 3271
Don't forget your basic attack's normal damage with no abilities:
3271 + 658 = 3929
Mastery - Havoc: Increases damage dealt by 3%:
3929 x 103% = 4047
That's about a whuppin' 4000 DAMAGE
So you can go about and 1 hit their AD-Carry to halt the enemy team's damages (and don't forget you lifesteal 36%